American Wolfdog

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The American Wolfdog is not (yet) recognized as a breed and currently has no breed standard, because this wolfdog is still in full development.

The American Wolfdog consists of crossings of different types of wolves, etc. If a litter is bred, one never really knows in advance what the puppies will look like or what character they will have.

A % indicates how much wolf percentage the puppies are carrying. This is actually a theoretical calculation and does not say everything. Wolfdogs with a high percentage are only suitable for people who have experience with a lower percentage of wolfdogs.

This is definitely not a wolfdog for beginners, socialization is very important with this wolfdog species as they can be very reserved!!! The American Wolfdog is more withdrawn and shows much less “claiming behaviour” like for example the Saarloos Wolfdog. On the other hand, their independence can also be a disadvantage because they make their own decisions.

There are currently several American Wolfdog bloodlines. One of the bloodlines is the well-known Spencer Wolfdog named after the breeder's bloodline. This bloodline generally has “more stable” wolfdogs.

The American Wolfdog is a fairly healthy breed compared to other wolfdog breeds.